Ce contenu a 22 ans. Merci de lire cette page en gardant son âge et son contexte en tête.

– No medical care for family members other than employees and their spouses

– Out-of-pocket costs for workers for the purchase of medicines will prove to be an unsurmountable barrier to access for most of them

– No commitment to using the least costly medicines( generics instead of brand-name drugs)

– No promise to sustain the initiative over the long-term and thus uphold continuity of a coherent program for sick people

– An unreliable cost-sharing scheme between Coca-Cola and its affiliates(in particular the smallest, which employ 64% of Coca-Cola’s workforce)

– No clear commitment to a rapid roll-out of programs of access to medicines

– No plan to expand the initiative outside Africa (yet people in many countries outside the African continent are heavily impacted by AIDS, such as those living in India, China etc…)

