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Community Liaison Committee (CLC) of the 2nd IAS TRT-5 (Interassociative Group for Treatments & Therapeutical Research) Press Release, July 7th 2003

On the occasion of the 2nd International AIDS Society’s conference (IAS), taking place July 13-16 in Paris (Palais des Congrès), the French group TRT-5 and the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) invite you to meet activists from all over the world, Sunday July 13th at 4.20 p.m., for the closing session of the Community Forum.

The Community Forum, which is organized by TRT-5 and CLC, will allow community representatives from the North and the South to meet with each other and debate three main issues : knowledge of HIV and its treatment, clinical trials, ethics and access to treatment.

This workshop is not only original because it gives northern and southern community representatives the possibility of exchanging information, but also the chance to discuss and debate their common demands. The Community Forum is held in the context of the « Conférence des donateurs » (Donors Conference), organized by French President Jacques Chirac on Wednesday July 16 in Paris. The objective of this conference is to assure the continuity of financing the Global Fund against TB, Malaria and AIDS. The NGOs will reaffirm the necessity of an adequate financial mobilization to lead a worldwide war against AIDS. Confronted by difficult human situations, the southern NGOs know by experience that an effective fight against AIDS is impossible without a significant and immediate financial commitment.

The CLC represented the interests and demands of people living with HIV/AIDS during the organization of the conference and the conference itself. It has taken part in the conception of the scientific programme and is in charge of welcoming the community representatives. TRT-5, the French inter-associative group working on HIV/AIDS treatment and therapeutic research, is in charge of the realization of this welcome and the organization of community events during the conference.

After the closing of the Community Forum, Marie-José Mbuzenakamwe from Burundi, co-chair of the CLC, will speak on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS during the official opening ceremony of the conference. The 2nd IAS conference is dedicated to pathogenesis and treatment of HIV. It’s an international event of a high scientific level. It treats all aspects of basic and clinical HIV/AIDS research. 5000 participants have registered, including 200 community representatives, with a fair amount of them coming from developing countries.

We would be happy to help you get in contact with community representatives who are present during the conference.

The Community Forum is going to take place Sunday July 13 from 10 to 17.15. at the Palais des Congrès. Journalists are invited to attend the final session at 16.20 (room 351).