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2010/07/21 – Activists against Pharma Greed in the Exhibition Room of the Aids 2010 Conference in Vienna. The second round regarded Women and research issues.

50 % of people living with HIV/AIDS are women. Yet, they continue to be underrepresented in the field of research and forgotten by researchers all together.

Why more research on women is essential:

Women have a different physical makeup and HIV therapies may affect them differently. However, to this day, we know very little about the female body in relation to HIV and HIV therapies. In order to make informed decisions about treatment, women have to right to be given detailed information about sex-specific toxicity and efficacy. Several differences have been documented between men and women in regards to HIV therapies. However, these differences are rarely addressed by researchers and pharmaceutical companies.

Differences in relation to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic need to be acknowledged and studied by researchers.

Women may respond differently to HIV therapies. This needs to be taken into account since it has real implications for practice and real consequences on the health of women. The issue of tolerability is an important one because women suffer more frequently and more severely from side effects and/or complications. Women are faced with specific challenges and realities that need to be recognized by all researchers and during the implementation of trials Increasing the number of women in trials and other forms of research is critical. Therefore, we ask: Where are women positioned in big pharma’s research priorities?