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Write to members of Indian governement and European Commission to save affordable medicines and access to life-saving treatments in Africa, Asia and Latin America !

The reasons why we must protest

For months now, activists around the world have been expressing their deep concerns about the impact of India-European Union Free Trade Agreements (FTA). The EU is pushing for harmful provisions to be included in the trade agreement that will hinder access to quality, affordable generic medicines produced in India.  

Affordable medicines produced in India have played a major role in scaling up AIDS treatment to more than five million people across Asia, Africa and Latin America. In these regions, India is the primary source for life-saving medicines.

India and the people it provides medicine to are now under the direct threat from the demands of the EU. Of particular concern are the following provisions: data exclusivity, investment rules and enforcement measures such as border controls, injunctions and third party liability. Should they be passed, it makes no doubt that they will seriously undermine India’s ability to manufacture and to supply generic drugs ARVs.

Should these provisions be included in the final version of the agreement, people living with HIV / Aids around in Asia, Africa, and South America will lose access to affordable medicines that save their lives. They will irreparably be sentenced to death.

How can I take part to the e-protest ?

By writting e-mails
– urging the Indian governement to refuse any measures that impact access to medicines in these FTA
– demanding the European Commission to stop threatening people living with HIV / Aids or other serious diseases around the world.

You can use following links. With one click, you send your message to all the targets. Don’t forget to write your name and your email.

– to the Indian governement : click here
– to the members of the European Commission : click here