03 03, 2008

G8 leaders and W.H.O. can solve the health workforce crisis

Par |2023-11-24T16:14:52+01:00lundi 3 mars 2008|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , |

KAMPALA (March 3, 2008) - AIDS activist group ACT UP-Paris blamed the G8 leaders and the World Health Organization for the global crisis in health workers, on the first day of the Global Forum on Human Resources for Health in Kampala, Uganda. They called upon G8 leaders and the WHO to take aggressive action now to end the crisis, such as to keep their outstanding commitments on health aid and technical support to developing countries. Activists also stressed the importance of developing country leaders doing their part.

07 09, 2007

Will Nicolas Sarkozy Sacrifice People Living with HIV / Aids to Save Money?

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:08+01:00vendredi 7 septembre 2007|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , |

Today, Act Up-Paris activists are calling Nicolas Sarkozy's cabinet members relentlessly to remind them of the new French President's promises.

22 08, 2007

European Commission’s pressure on Thailand : Mandelson sacrifices patients

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:08+01:00mercredi 22 août 2007|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , , , |

On July 18th 2007, the European Commisoner for Trade wrote a letter to the governement of Thailand to criticize its access to medicines policy through compulsory licenses. After being put to pressure by the US drug giant Abbott Laboratories, Thailand now has to face the pressure of the European Union. The Trade Commissioner's letter effects a sharp rewrite of actual international law provisions on access to generic medicines, and expresses threats against Thailand - all in the interest of the patent-based pharmaceutical industry, and in complete disregard for the human consequences of hampering access to affordable lifesaving medication.

23 07, 2007

Act Up-Paris requires Roche to confirm officially its July 22 commitments about Viracept®

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:09+01:00lundi 23 juillet 2007|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , |

On July 23rd, Roche met various HIV community groups, including Act Up-Paris, at the International AIDS Conference in Sydney. During the meeting, Roche made certain specific commitments with regard to remedying the Viracept® recall debacle. Activists require that Roche make these commitments official.

22 07, 2007

Abbott drops lawsuit, maintains deadly blockade

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:09+01:00dimanche 22 juillet 2007|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , , , |

Today July 22 2007 in Sydney, Australia, at the initiative of people with HIV/AIDS from Thailand and France, Abbott CEO Jean-Yves Pavée participated in a meeting meant to resolve the crisis in which the company has dug itself in Thailand. Yet, during the meeting, Abbott refused to lift the deadly blockade of its lifesaving HIV medication Aluvia which the company is currently exerting against Thai people with AIDS.

13 07, 2007

Abbott Blockade against Thailand: people with HIV/AIDS invite CEO to crisis resolution meeting

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:10+01:00vendredi 13 juillet 2007|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , , , |

Today July 13 2007, The Thai Network of People living with HIV/AIDS and Act Up-Paris have invited Abbott Laboratories CEO Miles White to a conciliation meeting with a representative of the Thai government, during the International AIDS Conference in Sydney, on July 23 2007. This meeting aims to offer the drug company an opportunity to get out of the crisis in which it has dug itself since announcing a blockade of lifesaving medicines against the Thais, followed by a lawsuit against people with HIV for organizing an internet protest.

12 06, 2007

Abbott Sues Act Up-Paris

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:12+01:00mardi 12 juin 2007|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , , |

Pharmaceutical company Abbott decided to sue PLWAs group Act Up-Paris in response to the April 26th, 2007 netstrike we organized against the drug manufacturer : the first time a drug company has used legal action against us. Yet this strategy will force Abbott to justify its criminal decisions, which are depriving PLWAs in Thaïland of the company's new drugs, effectively sentencing them to death.

07 11, 2006

5 years later, the WTO deal on access to medicines is a failure

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:28+01:00mardi 7 novembre 2006|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , , |

- 1. Raw WHO table on list of ARVs registered in every country ; - 2. Analysis of WHO table showing, per country, number of ARVs available, number of ARVs under competition/monopole, and percentage thereof ; - 3. Definitions and methodology for analysis of the WHO table ; - 4. Press release by Indian generic ARV [...]

07 11, 2006

Five years later, the WTO deal on access to medicines is a failure

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:28+01:00mardi 7 novembre 2006|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , |

On November 14, 2001, the World Trade Organization's ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar, agreed on a deal for access to medicines : the « Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health »[[ www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/minist_e/min01_e/mindecl_trips_e.htm ]]. According to this deal, developing countries would henceforward be allowed to bypass drug patent monopolies that stop the flow of cheap generic medicines from countries like India into regions like Africa.

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