04 08, 2006

Abbott’s management not pleased with Act Up-Paris article …

Par |2023-11-24T16:15:33+01:00vendredi 4 août 2006|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , |

The Abbott pharmaceutical company is withdrawing a 4000 euros subsidy it granted to Act Up-Paris - a subsidy intended to sponsor our activity at the international aids conference in Toronto. For what reason? Because of a recent article published in our journal Protocoles - which provides information about new HIV treatments and research - on a new formula of Norvir, an anti-HIV treatment.

23 11, 2003

Acces to Generics and Intellectual Property

Par |2023-11-24T16:16:44+01:00dimanche 23 novembre 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

In many developing countries doctors and patients do not have access to the tests, treatments or vaccines they need as they do not have the money to pay for them. One of the reasons which explains the high prices of these health products is the monopoly given by patents to the pharmaceutical companies which market them. [...]

27 10, 2003

HIV+ people ! Boehringer Ingelheim is working for you !

Par |2023-11-24T16:16:47+01:00lundi 27 octobre 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

At the 9th annual AIDS conference organized by the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) on the 25th - 29th of October 2003 in Varsovie, two AIDS activist groups, the TRT 5 and the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) opted to widely distribute the informational poster «HIV-Positive People Boehringer Ingelheim is working for you !» in order to expose the corrupt policies of pharmaceutical laboratories.

24 09, 2003

«You talk, we die» say African AIDS activists

Par |2023-11-24T16:16:50+01:00mercredi 24 septembre 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

A protest and die-in during the 13th ICASA gathered more than 100 African activists. They marched, chanting through the conference, stopping at the booths of governments, US government and Pharma. After the action, the activists hold a press conference [[Speakers : Spokesperson from the Kenya Treatment Access Movement, Kenya ; Prudence Mubele, HIV+ activist, Treatment Action [...]

18 07, 2003

«We will struggle until the billions that are needed, and were promised, to fight the war against AIDS are committed»

Par |2023-11-24T16:16:56+01:00vendredi 18 juillet 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

Vuyiseka Dubula (from TAC - South Africa) has read her speech during the last session of the IAS conference (Paris, july 16) in the presence of the main representatives of the Global Fund (Jacques Chirac, Romano Prodi, Tommy Thompson).

08 07, 2003

July 13th – 16th – Paris AIDS Conference : Meet activists from all over the world !

Par |2023-11-24T16:16:57+01:00mardi 8 juillet 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

Community Liaison Committee (CLC) of the 2nd IAS TRT-5 (Interassociative Group for Treatments & Therapeutical Research) Press Release, July 7th 2003 On the occasion of the 2nd International AIDS Society's conference (IAS), taking place July 13-16 in Paris (Palais des Congrès), the French group TRT-5 and the Community Liaison Committee (CLC) invite you to meet activists [...]

29 05, 2003

G8 Summit : after 7 years of leading international AIDS advocacy, will Chirac let Bush wreck all his efforts ?

Par |2023-11-24T16:17:04+01:00jeudi 29 mai 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

«I have been actively campaigning for the creation of the Global Fund since 1997. The Fund should rapidly reach the crucial amount of ten billion dollars», Jacques Chirac said at the 2001 G8 summit[[Press conference of Jacques Chirac at the end of the G8 meeting, Genoa, Italy, July 22, 2001.]]. «As people in Africa mobilize to [...]

21 05, 2003

G8: Act Up-Paris publishes a French proposal for a G8 declaration on health Chirac’s effort on aids must be at least proportional to Bush’s

Par |2023-11-24T16:17:05+01:00mercredi 21 mai 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

The French proposal for a declaration on health at the G8 summit week after next in Evian, France, dated May 13 and until now secret, was published today on the internet by aids group ACT UP-Paris.

24 04, 2003

Act Up-Paris zaps the South African Embassy in Paris

Par |2023-11-24T16:17:08+01:00jeudi 24 avril 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , |

Today 24 April 2003 Act Up-Paris zapped the South African embassy in Paris after the ambassador refused to see them.

31 01, 2003

Bush announces 10 billion dollars to maintain the multi-national pharmaceutical companies’ monopoly

Par |2023-11-24T16:17:13+01:00vendredi 31 janvier 2003|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , |

Let us not be mistaken that the resounding announcement by G.W. Bush, of a 10 billion dollars commitment to the fight against AIDS, serves essentially one objective: to renege on commitments made in November 2001, at the WTO conference in Doha, to allow access to generic drugs.

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