01 06, 2000

social rights

Par |2023-11-24T16:18:13+01:00jeudi 1 juin 2000|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , , , |

Since 1996 and the arrival of protease inhibitors, French public authorities have called into question the already inadequate rights of persons with AIDS. The logic is simple: since new treatments would have "cured" us, we would no longer need specific benefits, but ought to work, earn an income and lead a " norma " life without any special social protection.

01 07, 1999

Only one thing to say : the fight against AIDS is elsewhere.

Par |2023-11-24T16:18:25+01:00jeudi 1 juillet 1999|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , |

UNAIDS P.C.B. meeting was held in Geneva on June 28 & 29, gathering different political decision-makers, U.N. agencies and international NGOs on two objectives : to take stock of the activities achieved during the year and to settle UNAIDS's workplan for the following year. Act Up-Paris attended the meeting as an observer, willing to assess the contents of the debates and the problems raised in order to put an end to the alarming propagation of the epidemic and to help affected populations. We've wasted our time and our money.

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