International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe
The International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE) strives to raise awareness about the social exclusion of female, male and transgender sex workers in Europe, to promote the human and civil rights of all sex workers at national, regional and global levels and to create strong alliances between sex workers, allies and other civil society organisations. The ICRSE maintains strong links with existing sub-regional, regional and global networks, supports the further development of nascent groups and networks of sex workers and provides a platform for the voices of sex workers in Europe to be heard in local, regional and global policy debates.

19 07, 2013

    Sida : abolissez le « modèle suédois »

    Par |2023-11-24T16:12:12+01:00vendredi 19 juillet 2013|Catégories : Archives|Mots-clés : , , , , , , , , |

    Act Up-Paris est désespérée et en colère d'apprendre les meurtres de Jasmine, travailleuse du sexe suédoise, et Dora, travailleuse du sexe trans vivant en Turquie, toutes les deux assassinées la semaine dernière.

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