Ce contenu a 22 ans. Merci de lire cette page en gardant son âge et son contexte en tête.

Les actions organisées les 16 et 17 octobre 2002 contre Coca-Cola sont menées à l’initiative de 10 associations activistes et soutenues par plus de 100 associations, organisations ou institutions dans 20 pays (Afrique du Sud, Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Maroc et aussi en Thaïlande, Canada, Portugal, Japon, Norvège, Inde, USA…).

Les journées de protestations et d’actions contre Coca-Cola sont organisées par :

Health GAP, ACT UP New York, ACT UP Philadelphia, Act Up-Paris, ACT UP East Bay, Global AIDS Alliance, European AIDS Treatment Group, Association Marocaine de Lutte Contre le Sida, Africa-Japan Forum, the Thai Network of People Living with HIV (TNP+) et Student Global AIDS Campaign.

Elles sont soutenues par :

Act Up Atlanta, (USA) ; Act Up East Bay, (USA) ; Act Up New York, (USA) ; Act Up Philadelphia, (USA) ; Act Up/Cleveland (USA) ; Act Up-Paris, (France) ; Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) ; Africa Action (USA) ; Africa Japan Forum (Japan) ; African Services Committee (USA) ; Aids Action Baltimore (USA) ; Aids Action Baltimore, Baltimore, Md (USA) ; AIDS Alliance in Nigeria, NIGERIA ; Aids Healthcare Foundation (USA) ; Alliance For Justice: Medical Mission Sisters, Wash. Dc (USA) ; American Friends Service Committee Pmr (USA) ; American Jewish World Service (USA) ; American Medical Students Association (USA) ; Artists Against Aids Worldwide ; Association Marocaine De Lutte Contre Le Sida, (Maroc) ; Bayou La Rose (USA) ; Berkeley Gray Panthers, (USA) ; Berkeley Vice Mayor Maudelle Shirek ; Bread And Roses Community Fund (USA) ; California Newsreel (USA) ; California Nurses Association (USA) ; Canadian Treatment Action Council (Ctac) (Canada) ; City Councilor Kriss Worthington (USA) ; Connecticut Peace Coalition/ New Haven (USA) ; Conscious Movements Collective, Nyc (USA) ; Councillors Kriss Worthington, Berkeley (USA) ; Councillors Linda Maio, Berkeley (USA) ; Councillors Margaret Breland, Berkeley (USA) ; Deseret International Foundation Namibia (Namibia) ; Disciples Peace Fellowship (Usa) ; Drop-In Center For People Living With Aids, New Britain, Ct (USA) ; East Bay Community Law Center, Berkeley (USA) ; Ecology Center (USA) ; Essential Action, Wash. Dc (USA) ; European Aids Treatment Group, ; Fiar (Foundation For Integrative Aids Research), Brooklyn, Ny (USA) ; First Congregational Church Of Oakland, Oakland, Ca (USA) ; Food First, USA ; Freedom Foundation-India (India) ; Ganismo Para O Desenvolvimento Socio-Economico Integrado (Mozambique) ; GAT – Grupo Portugues de Activistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA ; Global Aids Alliance, (USA) ; Global Campaign For Microbicides (USA) ; Global Exchange, Sf (USA) ; Global-Gay, Lesbian, Or Bisexual Alliance (Student Organization At Uh) ; (USA) ; Global Sweatshop Coalition (USA) ; Green Students For Environmental Awareness, Philadelphia, Pa (USA) ; Gri Charitable Foundation (USA) ; Harm Reduction Coalition, Nyc (USA) ; Hayward City Councilor Kevin Dowling (USA) ; Health Gap, (USA) ; Indy Design (Canada) ; Institute For Agriculture And Trade Policy (USA) ; International Action Center (USA) ; International Gay And Lesbian Human Rights Commission (Iglhrc) (USA) ; International Labor Rights Fund (USA) ; Jubilee Northwest Coalition (Usa) ; Kaippg/International, Barrington, Ri (USA) ; Kenya Association Of Forest Users (Kenya) ; Kenya Association Of Forest Users, Nairobi(Kenya) ; Lironga Eparu (Namibia) ; Lungujja WomenÌs Association (Uganda) ; Management Communication (Germany) ; Médecins Sans Frontières, Luxembourg ; Michigan Pwa Task Force (USA) ; Middle East Childrens Alliance, (USA) ; Millsaps College Cmt Aids Awareness Task Group (USA) ; Mother Africa And Child Care Org/Ghanet/Plwhas (Ghana) ; Nadir Hiv Treatment Group, Italian Community Advisory Board, Bologna (Italy) ; Northwest Coalition For Aids Treatment In Africa, Nyc, (USA) ; Aids Housing Network, Ny (USA) ; Philadelphia Chapter, Coalition Of Labor Union Women (Cluw) (USA) ; Prakritajan. (Bangladesh) ; Project Teach, (USA) ; Queer Youth Training Collaborative (USA) ; Resources For Survival, (USA) ; San Francisco Bay View, (USA) ; Sf Bay Area Jubilee Debt Cancellation Coalition (USA) ; SF Supervisor Tom Ammiano, USA ; Soja – Students Organizing For Justice In The Americas, Oakland, Ca (USA) ; Student Global Aids Campaign,(USA) ; Students For Global Public Health (USA) ; Survive Aids, San Francisco, Ca (USA) ; The Center (Zimbabwe) ; The Thai Network Of People Living With Hiv (Tnp+), (Thailand) ; Treatment Action Campaign (South Africa), ; University Of The Witwatersrand Faculty Of Health Sciences, (South Africa) ; University of Vermont: Students for Peace and Global Justice, USA ; Ursuline of Tildonk for Justice and Peace, USA ; Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk, US Province, USA ; Vote Health, Oakland, Ca (USA) ; Vso Mozambique, Maputo (Mozambique) ; World-Women Organized To Respond To Life Threatening Diseases, Oakland, Ca ; (USA) ; Yale Aids Network (USA) ; Zimbabwe Aids Network (Zan) (Zimbabwe).


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